Speaker and amp pairing

Hi :)

Does this go here, in the amp sub, or does it not really matter?

I have been seeing a few threads here that mention the importance of pairing the speakers and amplifier.
So, I started doing some research, and came up with the following:

a) you want the correct impedance, as in the speakers should have a higher impedance and the amplifier a lower impedance
b) you want the proper amount of power; the wattage the amplifier puts out should match the speaker manufacturer’s recommended amplification levels
C) you want the speakers to have enough sensitivity so that the amplifier can effectively drive them

And that’s all I got :)

Is that about it - or is  there more to pairing than this?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

Showing 1 response by steve59

My .02 Depending on your budget and your passion for the music. There are hi rez speakers out there that require component matching to get their best sound, also try to find 3rd party measurements of speakers because most companies fudge the sensitivity numbers. Too much power is always better than to little and again...