Speaker and amp pairing

Hi :)

Does this go here, in the amp sub, or does it not really matter?

I have been seeing a few threads here that mention the importance of pairing the speakers and amplifier.
So, I started doing some research, and came up with the following:

a) you want the correct impedance, as in the speakers should have a higher impedance and the amplifier a lower impedance
b) you want the proper amount of power; the wattage the amplifier puts out should match the speaker manufacturer’s recommended amplification levels
C) you want the speakers to have enough sensitivity so that the amplifier can effectively drive them

And that’s all I got :)

Is that about it - or is  there more to pairing than this?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

Showing 1 response by motokokusanagi

Here’s how I think of speaker sizing and amp matching:
  1. how big is the room - size the speakers accordingly
  2. how loud do you like to listen - speaker sensitivity and thus amp power should be able to produce the desired db/SPL (can check with any calculator)
  3. what’s the nominal impedance of the speakers’ bass woofers and midwoofers? This is a function of the size and number of the drivers, and the crossover topology. Generally, for a standard 2-way with 6.5" driver, the impedance will drop to 3-4ohms at its lowest points even if rated 8ohm nominal. If nominal impedance is 4ohms, well, it’s likely to drop even lower. Be very careful about the current demands for 4ohm nominal speakers - look at the amp design and specs and it should be easy enough to say a NAD 3020 or flea-powered tube amp is going to have a bad time.
Assuming there are no technical red flags, the rest is timbral matching and sonic preferences.