Spatial X5 speakers

Just got mine, with upgraded crossovers, a couple of weeks ago.  I now have about 250 hours on them - mostly driven by the Voyager Gan 350 wpc class D amp and most recently by Don Sachs 65 wpc tube amp.  Speaker Cables are Griver Huffman Pharoah's and the preamp is Don Sachs tube preamp.  They are easy to set up as they come fully assembled.  Right out of the box they sound promising but the bass is cardboard like and the tweeter can sound harsh.  Nevertheless, after about 175 hours, these babies developed a pleasing midrange liquidity and nice open baffle bass.  They throw an expansive soundscape that extends beyond the width of the toed in speakers that is also deep front to back.  I mean, these speakers truly disappear as in my listening spot nothing localizes to the speaker itself.  Both amps drive these speakers nicely.  The Sachs amp defitely sounds better using the 8 not 4 ohm speaker posts.  I am now getting air with very nice detail and tonal colors.  


These speakers are just awesome.  They are worth every penny I paid for them.  Clayton warned me about the prolonged break in time and he was dead on the money.  I just love the OB box less sound.  These speakers are awesome.


I hope this thread does not degenerate into a toxic pussing contest like my Voyager Gan amplifier thread.

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Showing 6 responses by ozzy62

@jaymark My X3s continued to improve well over the three hundred hour mark

@hilde45 I moved on to Cornwall IVs and now LaScala IIs. I’m not taking anything away from the spatial speakers they were very good. But horns have always spoken to my hear more than most other designs.

Even though you would think the X series speakers would be great with a low powered tube amp, the Decware Torii I had at the time would not drive the speakers sufficiently in my room. This amp had sounded wonderful with a pair of khorns, but sounded anemic with the X3s. A Carver Crimson 275 and a Music Reference RM9 were much better matches.

As I mentioned before, the 20 watts of a Decware Torii were not enough to drive X3s to a satisfying level.

Yes the X series has powered subs. Only the lower driver is the sub, the 12” driver handles mid bass and midrange duties.

I don’t own the speakers anymore, but I thought I remembered 90 hz as the xover point. Maybe someone here can clarify.