Spatial M3 Triode Master Preamp/amp choices

I acquired some Spatial M3 Triode Master speakers(95db/16 ohm)  a few months ago and would like to upgrade my amp and preamp for the new setup. I am currently utilizing my old  Adcom GFP-555II preamp and NAD 2100 amp.  Listening room is aprx 14 x 16 x 8 ft. I listen mainly to Spotify and Tidal or vinyl. Rest of system:
  • Technics SL 1700 w/ Nagaoka MP110 and Cambidge Audio 640p phono preamp.
  •  Bluesound Node 2i and Schiit Modi mulitbit dac,
  • SVS SB-1000 subwoofer
I have been considering a used Conrad Johnson CAV 50 which is a control amp-so no preamp needed, a new Decware Torii Junior which has 2 inputs-so i wouldn't need a preamp, new Primaluna Evo 200 integrated amp. My budget is up to $3000 for this upgrade.   Of course, if you have better suggestions for this pairing please enlighten me.  

Showing 2 responses by jackd

I have owned a pair for over three years and those  specifications are really misleading as to what kind of power that really need for those speakers to shine. Now if you are just looking for background levels then those will be fine. 
If you are willing to get away from the tube idea a really great integrated amp that is a within your budget and goes well with the Spatial's is the newest version of the Kinki Studio EX-M1 at $2398 shipped. I've tried EL-84, EL-34 and KT-88 tube amps with the M3TM's from 35-60 wpc monos and was never satisfied with the extension on either end.