Clayton makes a very well thought out speaker ,the only weakness,as in most speakers is the Quality $$ of the Xover components myself doing upgrades for over 20 years .built to a price point
Spatial audio use decent quality like clarity,Any solen is junk imo, and resistors Path Audio are the best without question,Jantzen inductors are very good for minimal money ,bobbin types stink. Capacitors is where you can spend $$ , in a open baffle a seperate small box for the Xover is ideal
the new VH Audio ODam caps are excellent
for coupling caps and not that big , for Bass you can use a Clarity Csa cap which is plenty good and reasonable.
$500 in parts is not much at all and will give you at least a 10% increase in performance across the board. This is the heart of all speakers .i would like to mention Ihave seen a $80 k well known
company use parts that I would not use in a $3k speaker,some companies have no pride just $$ and cents,or No sence.p.s Clayton will upgrade your speaker if new you just speak with him pay the difference for parts and maybe external Xover box.