Spatial Audio Raven Preamp

Spatial is supposed to be shipping the first "wave" from pre orders of this preamplifier in May, does anyone have one on order? Was hoping to hear about it from AXPONA but I guess they were not there. It's on my list for future possibilities. It seems to check all my boxes if I need a preamp.

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What irks most Canadians is that it was Trump who signed the last free trade deal with Canada and Mexico and the next review is set for 2026.

I think this bears emphasis.  Trump said whoever made the trade deal made a very bad deal when in fact it was HIM who did it! 🤪🙄😖  I was born in the US, and I find it insulting to the point of being disgusting that he’s even floating the idea Canada becoming a state.  That’s just utterly pointless and does nothing but harm and absolutely no good.  I’m pretty middle of the road politically and don’t like to even bring it into the conversation on this site, but this is really just ridiculous and frankly absurd.  Peace out. 

Yes, we should stop the politics on this site and I will refrain. I can delete my post if it offends anyone.  This is not the place.

Same here. Post removed.

But ... now is the time to make a substantial purchase, if you're sitting on the fence.

Thanks... Let's just keep talking about the Raven - I'm expecting mine to be ready any day now and very excited. And it looks like US and Canada already came to a deal of some sort just this afternoon. Hopefully it will be mutually beneficial to both our wonderful countries. 👍