Spatial Audio Raven Preamp

Spatial is supposed to be shipping the first "wave" from pre orders of this preamplifier in May, does anyone have one on order? Was hoping to hear about it from AXPONA but I guess they were not there. It's on my list for future possibilities. It seems to check all my boxes if I need a preamp.


Personally, I find the tonality and subjective realism of transformer-coupled vacuum tubes to be unmatched by other technologies, but that’s just me.

There are class D amps now that easily rival the best tube amps for every quality mentioned in the above post. Every bit as smooth in the mids and highs, depth properly portrayed, good low level detail and so on.

Instead of a 1/4" thick sculpted aluminum faceplate (marketing!), we put the money into custom parts that are in the audio path.

FWIW Dept.: A machined front panel can be used to reduce chassis resonance (by having a different resonant frequency as opposed to the chassis, the two rob energy from each other), making for a lower vibration environment for the tubes to do their work. If a circuit board is used, it can be isomerically isolated from the chassis, further reducing microphonic interaction. If no circuit board is used, the sockets themselves can be isomerically isolated from the chassis with similar results.  Especially if the preamp is used in the same room as the loudspeakers, this has both measurable and audible improvements- bass is better, the mids and highs smoother with greater resolution. Damping materials can be added to most chassis, further assisting to reduce microphonics (distortion).


I spoke with David at Spatial last week, and the time has finally come that I will be placing my order for my Raven Preamp in the next week or two while I am home for the holidays. I've been saving for a very long time being retired now. I will get to enjoy it later this spring after it's made and delivered and I return home again for the Spring/Summer. I started this thread in April. I hope ya'all are enjoying your Raven's!

My Raven only displays a max volume level of 63.  Is that normal?




Yes, it is 64 step attenuator, and the first step is 00.  It should be screamingly loud by 50, and most listening levels should fall in the 25-55 range on most systems.  Is that not the case in your system?  63 would blow the speakers out of the baffle in my system


It is loud but not screamingly loud.  I just wanted too make sure I did not have a problem.  My speakers have a measured sensitivity of 91.5.  It is more than loud enough for me.  Thanks for the response.
