Spanish Harlem

Hi everyone. I need some help to locate a test CD that contains the song title " Spanish Harlem" ( female vocal). I listened to this track several years ago from a local hi-end salon in TX. This song and the female voice have followed me since then. I have tried but have failed to obtain a copy..Also, just a crazy thought: Diana Krall or Shirley Horn or Cassandra Wilson will make " The Spanish Harlem" the best track ?
Was available as both a regular & a gold CD pressing, at one time...don't know about currently, though??
Not to change the subject but...
Another GREAT female CD is "A Crash Course in Roses" by Catie Curtis on RYKO.
Trust me, this is one all around fantastic CD.
I'll probably catch hell for this, but my favorite recording of Spanish Harlem is the Mama's and the Papa's version on "If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears." (Dunhill)

You go Mama Cass!
