Spam Emails after posting in the forums.

I always get a a lot of Spam Emails from The Tractor Depot and various SpamMails about mucus after posting in the forums.

Neither of these categories are something to write home about (tractors are kind of cool though) and I was wondering if others here receive a Better Shade of Spam after posting.

What's your best Spam?




That’s an awesome snow globe!

The Hawaiian Spam musubi shown in the photo is pretty tasty. Give it a try next time you’re in the islands.

I’ve never received spam from anything connected with Audiogon, as far as I know.

The best avoidance method is to get a email address, then generate a unique private email for each site, or business or person you contact. If spam results, you simply delete that email address. Problem solved.

Works like Apple’s Hide My Email.

My wife has this in her collection, but neither of us have yet to taste the real thing.

I'm kind of fascinated by it, but have chickened out the few times it was offered (once in Hawaii).

Seriously though - I do receive the specific Spam mentioned after posting here, but the categories make no sense (tractors and mucus).

When I posted @ Audioasylum (stopped years ago due to the political aspect and the fact that a moderator thought that Rohypnol jokes were cool) I received a different type of Spam geared towards Old Guy Helpers.


