Spades vs. Banana plugs ??

What's your preference and why?

Spades or banana plugs?


Showing 1 response by jsd52756

devinplombier posted 

"- What happened to old-fashioned ring connectors and nut-and-bolt posts? They provide superior clamping force, and ring connectors aren't slipping off or pulling out ever. Seems they would make sense when cable gauge, stiffness, and weight are on the rise."

Curious if folks using the bare wire method ever loop bare wire and twist itself into a loop similar to a hangman's knot.  Then tin it.  Seems like the wire would never fray and no worries about a loose strand shorting out.  Also the complete ring would give contact all the way around the post.  Never done it, but this post got me to thinkin'.  -John