Spades or bananas connectors?

Hallo out there,

Which connector would you recommend me between my speakercables and my single wire speakers (Dynaudio)? Spades or bananas? The speakercables is Supra Sword.

Showing 4 responses by audiofeil

It's not a big deal.

In a series of blind tests not a single poster here could tell if he (she) was listening to spades, bananas, or bare wires.

Buy and use what is convenient.
In a series of blind tests you couldn't hear the difference among spades, bananas, and bare wire.

Don't kid yourself.
You could never tell the difference in a series of blind tests.

Don't kid yourself into thinking you could.
That's nice in theory Kijanki and I'm glad you view cable terminations through rose colored glasses.

It all seems so appropriate.

Good luck getting to 20-20.