Spacedeck Vs. Scoutmaster

Has anyone actually compared these two 'tables in the same system? I love my Spacedeck but wonder if the SM would be an upgrade or a lateral move. If not in it's stock form, then perhaps down the road in a Super Scoutmaster guise?



Showing 2 responses by styx

Why not getting a good cartridge ? I just moved from a Denon DL-103 to a ZYX R-100FXH for my Spacedeck/SpaceArm. I don't think that any TT upgrade could have made such a big sound improvement. Just my 2 cents.

Spencer, as far as I know it F = Fuji X = copper wires H = High Output (0.48mV) . The Zyx is still burning in, 5 hours at the moment. But what I can say so far is that the sound stage is wider and deeper. The highs are still closed. I guess this will change in the next 25-50 hours. It has much less clicks and pops, because of the smaller stylus. It is not the perfect matching catridge for the Ace-Space Arm. It weighs only 5 gram. So you would need at least 2-3 gram more to make it work on the SpaceArm, because of the counter weight. There is an option from Zyx where you can buy it with a silver basement. Here is a link for more info on Zyx: I made some images of different stylus with a 200x magnification. Here is the link: And here is a link to my System :
