Space Tech Preamplifier

The search for a pre-amplifier goes on ( an on...).

A member recommended a look at Space Tech from Canada.

Looks interesting from the website but like so many of these small vendors; not much available vis a vis reviews.

Anyone have any experience with sound and quality?




@mdrone -- what are you looking for in a preamp? Lots of variables to consider -- overall sound characteristics, phono or not, bass/treble or not, price, other features, appearance, and so on.  Or are you an "I'll know it when I see it" kind of guy?

I had never heard of them until yesterday. It appears they’ve been around for a long time... somewhat similar to Decware, but just north of the border. Prices look reasonable and the website is well done with a nice selection of what appears to be high quality gear with point to point wiring... but I’d be somewhat concerned getting them through customs (if buying from the US) and the 15% duty(?).

I have an older model qa112 EH preamp and an super tube rectifier model number STR 104 with a switchable choke and an older model pcm dac. The sound is great, it's dynamic but you still get the tube midrange, but it isn't mushy or bloated. If you decide to purchase one add the super rectifier to it, the unit I have sounded great on its own but the super rectifier brought it up to a whole new level, better instrument separation, better dynamics and more details. The tubes the super rectifier came with are the 3B22 which are good but they give you a little closer sound to solid state I'm currently using one 866 and one 866a mercury tubes, the mercury tubes give you the dynamics of the 3B22 without the solid state sound. I have used 1616 tubes in it also, those are good for slower music with less dynamics. You will also save a lot of money using these types of tubes, way cheaper than the 5 volt mainstream rectifiers, though you can flip the switch on it and use those type rectifiers also, but you only put one in it then.