SOVEREIGN Glory Amplifier. How good is it?

Hello, I´m interested in SOVEREIGN Glory and would like to know if anyone have experience with this amplifier?
Try naim audio preamp 552 and amp nap 500 the upgradet the name keep controll all loudspeaker from these world i tested two panasonic with a 10 cm bass the loudspeaker it wery little 26×16×36 cm now imagination i living in the tird floor room and the volume dry near half the sound of bass and higher midle tone some from second floor under near oposite site from the building they hear clear sound the panasonic it wery cheap price these from 7-9 years ago and if sound start like 6000 dollar speaker wery precise of the point works the amp the electronic it like a brain if play music with a drums bass the electronic of naim reaction only contemporary during a bass the sound between bass drums if in a million of a second the bass player stops the electronic stops controlled the bass thief and reaction again in same million of a second contemporary with the sound in all part not overlaping and incrase to other struments during hear the sound from vinyle the best i have a thorens prestige and naim builded a monster amp to the statement 1 i have compared a lot of best amp label but the name was a sound life the panasonic i tested it one but i have NAIM DBL i not need nothink more one time i have play a vinyle direct cut from a japan jazz piano and look this what happen the volume was minimal from zero to 35 before 12 and with dbl sounded from vinyle the player on piano a fine tone the light press from the finger from these japanese the octave trepassing the wall and was hear on behind the stair from building to the 4 stage floor high and volume was the minimum i was schocked when the person they have a little store for painting these person was in this moment on the 4 stage floor high they feel the resonanz of these octave from piano fly on top like a ghost that it feel and living the sound it not a fable it truth 
I own the sovereign power amplifier and i am very happy. It's warm, detailed ,strong and musical amplifier . Value for money !!!.
The Sovereign is AWESOME! I have owned it for about 2.5 years, and LOVE the sound. I am using it Bi-Amped with a tube upper, and this one on the lowers.

I am thinking of selling my Glory to buy a high powered tube amp, and simplifying my system. Any takers?

Hi CkementI,

It is difficult to compare the sound of ASR or Vitus with the Soveireign because I haven't listened all of them driving the Tidals. All I can say is that the combination of Sovereign Director, sovereign Glory and Tidal Piano Cera is probably the best value for money combination I have ever listened in my life. The Sovereign Director is even more impressive than Sovereign Glory in my opinion because there is practically no competition in its price range.
Ulfdantes,I am selling my Sovereign Glory. Check my ad in Audiogon. Where are you locate at?
I am running my Tidal Piano Diaceras with the full suite of BMC electronics. I would recommend BMC if one were willing to make a similar commitment (i.e., transport, DAC/preamp, power amp) as that is the only way to take full advantage of BMC's unique circuit innovations. At European prices I think it is a superior value.
hello Geopolitis,
I have a pair of Tidal Piano Cera ... and I'm interested by what you say about Sovereign products, and particulary amplifiers.
I have actually an ASR Emitter 2 Exlusive, but I'm looking for maybe an even best match with a solution pre + amp.
Do you know and could you say to me how a Sovereign Glory sounds VS an ASR Emitter ?
What do you think too of Sovereign VS Vitus amplifiers to match with Tidal speakers ?
How sounds the Preamplfier (Director) too ?
Sorry if my English is not very good ...
Best regards
I own the Sovereign Glory (together with the Sovereign Director preamplifier) and I would not change it for any other power amplifier. It can compete against much more expensive machines. I heard the Glory driving the Tidal Contriva and Piano Cera and the result was amazing. Believe me, these speakers are not forgiving at all.

It is totally neutral but without sounding sterile or edgy like some other top solid state power amplifiers. My personal top pick for amplification both for value for money and level of performance.
I own a Sovereign Power and have extensive experience with many of their products! IHMO one of the best out there, when I say "best" I mean true to the source material! Not cold, not warm, it sounds very close to nothing at all! I wouldnt hesitate a second if I was you! What speakers do you want to drive?