Southwest Technical Products Universal Tiger

Hello All,

I have a pair of the SWTPC Universal Tiger monoblocks that need repair. I tried replacing the power transistors without success, surprise. Also, does anyone who repairs them also do any worthwhile mods? Thanks.
Simply no sound. They need a thorough going over by a qualified technician. I built them in the early 70s but I'm no electronics troubleshooter.
I'm sure we could handle it, but any technician that can repair a transistor amp can handle the Tiger as well.

However, no sound might be something simple. Have you checked the fuses?
Checked the fuses. Serendipitously, my business partner got wind of a sound engineer who repairs vintage equipment 15 minutes from my house. I dropped off my CM Labs CC-2 preamp to see what he can do. If successful I'll post him.
If he does repairs, he should have no trouble with this one. The Tiger is a pretty straight-ahead circuit.