Source material for digital files?

Having listened to analog HiFi for over 40 years I am relatively new to streaming. I am currently in the process of upgrading my hardware enabling me to listen to HiRes files so I was thinking about the following: 

What is the source material for these (HiRes) digital files? I assume that all new music recordings are done digital so that is a no brainer, but how about all the "old" music from 20-50 years ago? Logic would require that the old analog master tapes being the source but is that really the case? Where do streaming services like Tidal and Qobuz get their files (or source material) from?
Can someone link me to the appropriate information - I would appreciate!

Showing 1 response by lalitk


i think you’re over thinking the process. I would focus on what you can control, which is picking a decent streamer, DAC and preferably wired Ethernet connectivity. Once you do, you will find streaming quality from Qobuz and Tidal more than satisfactory and enjoyable.

In direct comparison, there are plenty of albums from 50’s and 60’s on Qobuz that sounds amazing when compared with vinyl.