Soundfile Thread

Unfortunately it is not possible to upload pics ...but how about a sound file thread?
Uploading sound video from your cartridge, Arm or a record you like?
It will make it a bit alive and others can find some new ideas about hardware or records or ....

Dave Brubeck Quartet / Time Out Columbia / CS8192
Micro Seiki / FR-66s / FR-1Mk3F

Showing 3 responses by chakster

I think in such thread even mpeg sound file uploaded on youtube from digital source is better (more impressive) than recording with a mic made in your room. There is only one guy to my knowledge who can record properly with a mic during his speakers demo, that guy is Ken from Kenrick sound (his mic alone is $20k).

Here is my type of music.

Yeah, great! @mijostyn
His Japanese pressings are amazing sonically, I think I bought over 5 different albums, all from his 70s period (quite different from his 60s stuff). Another example here.
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