Sound variation from good to incredible?

I notice that although my system always sounds good sometimes it sounds incredible. When all is right with ac and other factors I find I get a good 3D holographic type imaging with sound from everywhere but the speakers but other times the sound will still be good but less magical. Could this be ac issues and would a Keces IQRP 3600 conditioner help? 

Showing 2 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

1. Power reserve and clean-up does not need to be huge, you are only drawing power for two or three things at once: Source/Integrated Amp or Source/Preamp/Amp.

I’ve made several changes this past year, system sounds better and more revealing than ever, thus differences, if any are revealed.

Latest thing: added a Furman P1800,

small, easy to fit. It’s 45 amps peak current reservoir is far more than anything my 15 amp dedicated circuit can provide.

2. My experience with it: I think individual components can benefit, but not everything, i.e.:

both my CD players (Sony and Oppo) > Cayin Amp: Definitely Better with it.

Three pairs of comparison CD’s, each/all, thru either player, definitely better than without it:

3. No Improvement:

TT > mx110z preamp > Cayin Amp: No change

R2R > Cayin Amp: NoChange

Thus: R2R; TT motor; Preamp; or Amp: none benefit from the Furman, individually or in a chain.

4. then, all > Chase Remote Line Controller > Cayin Amp

Degradation? Simply cannot tell the Chase is in-line (120 db s/n), and the CD Players both maintained their improved sound. No greater improvement due to Chase itself powered thru Furman or non-dedicated wall outlet.

Thus: Chase does not benefit either. Dinky transformer, you might think ... but: Shouldn’t be surprised, it’s dinky transformer is involved with it’s 120 db s/n spec.

5. Yet another plug for remote balance and ’automatic’ low volume ’loudness’ features:

Thru Chase RLC-1, I have re-gained ability to perk up errant tracks from my listening position with a small balance tweak from any source. I could never get precise adjustment when walking forward, adjust on preamp, walk back. Aside from up/back being incredibly disruptive: there is no substitute for fine balance tweak while experiencing the resultant imaging.

It also has Automatic Fletcher-Munson ’Loudness’ to progressively boost the bass at low/lower volumes, which for me maintains involvement with a Jazz Trio ..., without it, low volume becomes uninvolving muzak.
Aside from the equipment, warm up, content:

there have to be times when our hearing is better. ear's physically performing and situational ability to focus mentally, block distractions, internal or external (or both!)

times for best enjoyment, and, that's when subtle changes/improvements/comparisons will be revealed: better/worse/no change.