Sound Quest and Granite Audio Tube CD Players

In my search for a CD player I came across two tube based players; Granite Audio and Sound Quest.  Both had great reviews, but most of the reviews are from the early 2000's.  However both are still available.  I am not sure if they have been updated with advances in their DACs over time.  Anyone have any current information or experience with them?


Zero issues with mine since July, 2020.

Having a decent DAC you’ll be better off with even a cheap transport rather than a CDP.

Thanks for the comments.  I had initially thought of getting a straight transport ( to replace my Luxman D380 which is a little uninspiring ) to run through my Bricasti M3.  I looked into the ProjectRS2 but heard from two dealers that they were over- run with defective units.  Have you had any issues with yours?

I have no current info, but I for years I owned and enjoyed the Granite 657 tube output CD player. I preferred it in my system to a Meridian 508.24 and an Oppo 105.  I ran it direct or via a Supratek Syrah pre into a Spectron Musician III and VonSchweikert HR 5 HSE speakers.  The other CD players sounded dry and unengaging in comparison.  I now have a completely different system with the Project RS2 CD box as a transport.  I love it and find it as engaging to me as the Granite, with more detail.  I run it into the DAC in a Boulder 866 integrated amp.  Happy hunting!