Sound quality of Roon

I am considering trying Roon.  I have been using my Bluesound Node but I am going to upgrade as I do enjoy streaming more and more using Tidal.  It is quite an investment to get a NUC or Nucleus and then have a separate tablet to control it all.

But apart from the cost I have read some people say Roon does not sound good.  Their streamer by blah blah sounds better.  Is this true?  For all that is required to use Roon, the hardware, the subscription and all, would Roon be popular if it made digital streaming sound bad?

I would love to hear people who have experience comment on this.  There is info on the Roon Labs discussion site but as you can imagine it is saying this is BS Roon sounds great.  I guess Roon as a software also has had updates, so maybe this is a thing that might have been true in the past?  


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

For most of this millennium I played with different music management software. I had been in IT for over 30 years. Overall, I didn’t find much different in the way they sounded… mostly dependent on the DAC and equipment used. I have had my CDs ripped for more than a dozen years.

I finally bought a dedicated high end streamer, Aurlic Aries G2 and happily removed the computer from my audio system. The Aurlic software was easy to use and left the feeling of having a computer in the loop gone. I was ecstatic. It found my files, and consolidated everything. I went on to find Aurender, a superior sounding streamer… I now own two.

I am really happy to leave my computers in my office and have my audio components perform like self contained audio components. Also, while I recognize this might be a strange criticism given one of my streamers cost $22K (a good deal for the sound quality in my opinion)… $24.99 / month for Ron? It only cost $14.99 for a Qobuz subscription for access to millions of albums. Then there is the fact that you can be sure that in ten years the landscape will be completely changed and Roon is either going to be replaced or embedded in devices.

Anyway, for me. I am really happy to have nothing to do with any software… other than the user interface presented by Aurender. But that is me. I get it if folks like using stuff like roon, I once did.