Sound of SED Winged C KT88 vs. SED Winged C 6550's

Curious as to what if any sonic differences I could expect in comparing the SED KT88's vs. their SED 6550 counterparts. I've researched the forums quite a bit over the last month or so and even asked the question to Kevin Deals gatekeeper @ Upscale Audio... his response was that there was little to no sonic differences between the two.

My amp is a McIntosh MC275 MKV, currently using the stock McIntosh KT88's, which I've been told by Audiogon's Nsgarch, are SED KT88's.

Showing 2 responses by newbee

Well Kevin may not have heard a difference, but if he is honest about it then he needs to tune up his ears and/or his equipment. I think he is just 'position' adverse and as a sealesman he doesn't want to jeopardize any potential sales.

In my experience, and just for the fun of it I have to mention that this was formed from using Primaluna amps (as well as four other ones) the SED KT88 is a bit 'full' in the upper bass and the upper-mid range is a bit elevated. Gives them a little of the sense of sparkle. The SED 6550 is much more linear throughout the FR. Tight, non-bloated bass, smooth midrange, and slightly rolled highs.

FWIW, I happen to like the SED KT88's in the PL5, but not anything else I own, when I compine it with the PL3 pre-amp. I prefer the SED 6550 compared to the SED KT88 in my other amps. Actually I've started to grow fond of the re-issue Tung-sols. But they take forever to break-in! :-)_
Knghifi, I doubt that you will find what you are seeking with the re-issue Tong-sols. Compared to the SED 6550's their bass is bigger, yet tight, mid-range a tad warm, and highs natural. The SED's are more linear and in the wrong amp they can sound clinical (just as the Tong-sols in the wrong amp can sound a bit too warm). I've never heard the GL reissues but from what I've read I would assume they are similar to the SED 6550's with a bit more warmth and extended highs, but that is a WAG.

FWIW, when I'm seeking greater clarity I more often than not go to the small tubes and find success.

Hope that helps a bit.