Sound of cables breaking in?

When I try cables, of various types, I find that when I first put them in, they give me a little taste of what they will sound like after they are broken in. Then, things get strange, and the sound can vary all over the place, until they finally settle in.

Who else has similar experience? I'm thinking people sometimes give up on a particular cable during this volatile period, and never get to what it really sounds like.

Showing 2 responses by pc997

I think I am asking this again.  Are there any measurable properties and/or qualities of cables (speakers, interconnects, etc) to identify good ones from the bad ones?
Without any objective measurement, how can we differentiate conductive qualities between a $5/ft copper cable and $500/ft copper cable?  Purely subjective??  Maybe that is why some of these cable manufacturers are coming up with materials which only exist within their own realm (advertisement, sales, customers, etc.)!