Sound, neutrality and the pursuit of everything

The audiophile hobby is inherently a pursuit of some ideal. That ideal might differ from person to person, but what I am curious about is how each of us define that ideal. 

I kinda like where my system is at. I cue a well recorded track and think: damn that sounds good. But compared to what? Do I have a point of comparison to the original performance, the day it was recorded? Usually not. To use an overused album, unless I was sitting at the Olympia concert hall in Paris when Diana Krall performed there in 2001 and have a perfect auditory memory, how do I know my system if reproducing it with “fidelity”?

If the pursuit of perfection is useless as perfection is an illusion, how do you all define your level of satisfaction or achievement in this audiophile pursuit?


Showing 1 response by petg60

It should be that hunting for everything else brings in the end neutrality. What is worth for me is the ability of hearing clearly everything simultaneously on a recording (good or mediocre) and that thing to bind so well together as a whole to make sense.
Learn to know the compromises of your system and how to hide them or live with them. All ears are different and set different priorities. The live event is the absolute and because we can get close with stereo or multichannel brings us joy.