Sound is better when I stand up?

Why is this? No matter my listening room (large basement with 7 1/2 foot ceilings or small office with 8’ ceilings), the sound is more open and more spacious when I stand up from my listening chair. When I sit, the sound compresses a bit. Sitting, the tweeters are about 5-6" above my ear level. Should I angle the speakers down?

My chair is at the apex of the .83 ratio Jim Smith suggests for getting better sound. I'm about 3' from the back wall and my standmount speakers are 3' from the front wall. 

What acoustics are responsible for this?


Showing 7 responses by simao

@paradisecom Reference 3a MM Gen 2. I've had iterations of reference 3as for many years. They are in phase and the tweeters are on the outside.


@designsfx The speakers are 8.3 ft apart and my listening spot is 10 ft from both woofers.


I do appreciate everyone trying to help. This is more out of idle curiosity than any burning desire to rectify the situation. It could be that when I stand up I'm also getting the reflections from the back wall, whereas when I'm sitting down, those reflections are absorbed by the chair. It is a small room after all.

@holmz Ahhhh. Haven’t joined Audiogon and bukake in quite some time. Thanks for the reminder.

So - the culprit was my wingback! The two wings and its low seating profile managed to smear the sound. On the advice from @elliottbnewcombjr I temporarily replaced the wingback with a straightback that also seated higher and it made all the difference -- sounstage opened up; instrumentation much more 3D than before. 

Which sucks as my wingback is really comfortable! I put four sections of 2x4 beneath each leg to get equal with the tweeters, but that helped only so much.

Still, this will be a cheaper solution than almost any audio addition I can think of!

I would love to see a visual map of the soundwaves and how the wingback blocked or did something else to them. 

Hi all!

Cool. Let's recap:

@audioman58 I did mention the brand - Reference 3A MM Gen 2. Stock tweeters; I have ceiling corner foam triangle baffles but am now considering some ceiling  hanging foam frames

@mbmi swivel chairs. Huh. Good point. 

@grauerbar You're right. I mean, how much listening do I do on my feet? I have no mantelpiece upon which to lean with my tumbler. 

@holmz Great picture of my wife's reaction whenever she sees a new piece of audio gear I hadn't told her about. 

@bigwave1 Yes, I can adjust my stands by adjusting the spike depth. Thank you for the suggestion. 

@avanti1960 I had the 3As toed in slightly and now have gone back to the recommended no toe in. That did make a positive difference in the sound. 

To those who mentioned the triangular distance, I have gone with something closer to 1-1.2 ratio, like @tomcarr ​​​​@clearthinker suggested. That helped, too. 

Can't give up the wingback, though. It's so comfortable. 

@tom_guyette it would be the latter. It's plush and upholstered which means I'm definitely, according to your observations, getting some absorption mids and highs. 

@coppy777 Good point. When I had my listening room downstairs (see my virtual system), I placed section of 2x4s beneath each leg of my loveseat. It made all the difference