Sound card for PC

I currently use an ASUS Xonar Essence STX sound card with my PC. It worked fine for my needs when I was using windows XP. I have upgraded to Windows 7 for some other applications and the ASUS card will not work correctly anymore, even with the patches and updates. I am looking for a new sound card that will be similar to the ASUS. Any suggestions? So far I am interested in the ESI Juli but it is made more for recording. All I want to do is play from the optical drive to an RCA output directly to my amplifier.

Showing 2 responses by zd542

"You don't have to configure your studio to Juli@, you can configure Juli@ to your studio. Juli@'s EWDM drivers provide unparalled performance and stability, and provide support for all professional audio applications using ASIO and GSIF drivers.

With the powerful EWDM drivers and MIDI I/O Juli@ is perfect for post-production studios, one man bands and use with mixers and you can monitor the inputs and outputs directly through the digital mixer."

That's part of the item description on their web site. Who sells these cards? It looks like the type of thing that you get from a music/pro audio store.
What exactly makes Windows 8 sound better than 7? The reason I'm asking is that I'm putting together a new PC and am not sure what to go with. I thought 7 was a lot better than XP and Vista. I did try 8 on a new PC I bought and took it back because I hated using it (also, a virus took it out before I was able to figure out how to get the antivirus installed.). I've since seen 3rd party fixes that allow you to get a regular desktop and start button. I don't want to buy something old, but I don't want a problem either.

Also, have you tried Linux? I use that as my main OS and like it very much. I don't think I have enough experience with PC audio to make a fair comparison.