Sota Reflex Clamp Loses Contact with Record

I've got a reflex clamp that I use on my Star Sapphire. I've notices a couple of times that if I simply lay the clamp on the record and push the lever down that the action of the clamping pushes the clamp up, leaving a gap between it and the record. I imagine that doesn't make the clamp very effective. If I apply a little pressure when I'm locking it down then it stays where it's supposed to, but this leaves me concerned about stressing the suspension.

Anyone else experience this and have any thoughts?

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Showing 1 response by chadnliz

I just hold the suspension with my fingers forming a clamp with my thumb below table and my fingers holding the top so the springs dont really move when I push the clamp down onto album, I never placed anything under it and never bottomed anything out.
My friend has the Nova table and will only use his clamp with warped albums because his Clearaudio cart hits the clamp before the run out groove on most albums.