Sopra 2 with bryston b135 cube integrated?

Good match?
Thank you if the Bryston is to bright which it is not with my 805s my dealer also sell Naim
It is a matter of taste but I would think that combo would be forward.  If you like a brighter sound profile, that will be a killer combo.  Alternatively, if your room is heavily damped, it would likely work out fine.  If you are looking for a more neutral to warm sound profile I might consider a different option.  

Naim is the obvious choice as it is the same parent company, has a warmer sound profile and I believe Focal speakers are voiced with Naim equipment.  I have heard this pairing at multiple shows, retail showrooms, etc... and Focal and Naim go together like peanut butter and jelly.  I don't know what model would be best.  

AVM would be another good option.  The A5.2 is priced similarly priced to the Bryston ($5999) and has a tube input stage that adds a bit of warmth and bloom to the soundstage, modular options like the Bryston for phono stage and and DAC and a bit more power.  Could be interesting for you.  

I have no affiliation with Bryston or Naim, I am an AVM dealer.