Sophia Electric EL34 or KT88 ??

Looking to upgrade my tubes on the Primaluna Dialogue HP Integrated amp. 
Curious what people’s preference would be between the two, and why. Aside from the SE rebranding, I’ve heard some pretty decent feedback about these tubes. 
They are expensive though, and frankly I’m
not sure why the different price classifications. 
Trying to sort out the sonic characteristics of each before dropping the dime on a matched set of 8 for the PL dialogue HP. 
Generally I like the factory EL34 musicality and tone. I love a holographic, real life feel and soundstage. I once tried a full battery of KT150 but sold them. Tried as I might to get acclimated to them, they didn’t have the Stock EL 34 magic. Seemed a little more dry. More powerful but also a tad more sterile. 

So would the SE KT88 be any different? 

Anyone with personal experience with these tubes?

Showing 2 responses by jond

I love the KT77's too they've been my go to EL34 variant for years now. I may be misremembering but I feel like I suggested the KT77 in a PL thread once and someone said PL amps can't use the KT77? I may be misremembering I'll try and find that thread if I can.
I looked and can't find the thread I was thinking of but did see a thread where Kevin Deal chimed in and said KT77's are fine so there you go. Give them a try I doubt you'll be disappointed!