Soooo many choices.

I think my next upgrade will be to add a DAC. Thinking of somewhere in the 500-1000$ range, used is fine. But, I've been reading lots of you folks' posts and sale ads and test/reviews and ya'll aren't making it easy! lol

We have wireless here in the house and adding streamer capabilities to the system is planned. But getting gear that's better than the mainstream stuff I'm used to, and choosing which will work to make the end result happen wisely, and, picking which we can afford in the correct order is making it real tough to piece it together.

Showing 2 responses by tonyangel

The problem with a lot of DACs is that they don't offer too many inputs. Most that I've seen offer one each of coax, toslink and USB. Some only offer a single input.

This is why I often mention the Emotiva XDA DACs to those that do not yet have a DAC. No, it isn't the best of anything, but it does sound good, nonetheless, and is very flexible and makes for a solid backbone to a digital system. It offers two each of coax and toslink inputs, plus one USB and one AES input. At $339 it will get you started. Later, you can add a "better," less flexible DAC for those components that you want to improve the sound for.

If you only have one or two sources, then there are many to choose from. What will you need the DAC to do? Will you be playing hi res files?
The Bifrost is tied with the W4S uDAC as my next thing to try, after I get a new amp. I've heard the Bifrost and in comparison to my XDA-1, I think the Bifrost sounded better. Sound stage was a bit deeper and the mids had more body.

I stuck with the XDA-1 because I needed the flexibility at the time.