Sony XA5400es vs XA777es for sacd

I just concluded 3 month compasrison of these two models-
In my opinion the xa777 has more bottom weight & musical satisfaction w/SACD then xa5400.
For Redbook the xa5400 is better..
The 5400 sounds good w/sacd until you compare w/777 then the difference is apparent.
That would explain why one is heavier & origionaly cost double.
Does anyone hear the same?

Showing 1 response by dbphd

I wonder how system dependent Fishing's comparison might be. Through a Cary Cinema 11a I preferred the sound produced by the Oppo 105 to that of the 5400ES whether connected HDMI, SE, or XLR. Now stereo from both go through a Parasound JC-2 analog preamp, and I think I prefer the sound from the 5400ES. Pairing the 5400ES with the JC-2 really brought it to life.
