Sony UHP-1 experience?

Sony has a new Universal Player out and it's getting good reviews.  I have a lot of SACDs and also Blu Ray Audio and some DVD A as well, and I always want to make sure that there are players at reasonable prices.  The Sony also plays High Res pcm and DSD .  On the Video side it doesn't do 4 K and some reviewers think this is fatal flaw but My concern is audio.  The player goes for $350.00 at Best Buy.  Has anyone here heard it?  It seems like it might be a great replacement for the Oppo 105, now discontinued 

Showing 6 responses by samac


For years I've wanted to use my system for audio with our Panasonic plasma but it only outputs multi channel digital so I've never been able to use one of my DACs to get audio from the tv to my system.

Well, got one of these; REI DA34X ($55), to convert the multi channel optical out signal from the Panasonic to stereo with analogue out to my amp. We now have great sound for the tv. Robert Plant on Austin City Limits sounded great last night. You might want to check it out.



I've had mine since it was released last May. We love it. It's the best picture we've seen on our Panasonic plasma. The music from CDs and SACDs sounds very good to me. I've never used CD players that cost more than $500 but I've had some very nice ones from NAD and the Sony competes well with  them.

It can also stream all kinds of audio and video. It's well made and has worked perfectly since day one.



I haven't done a focused comparison of the UHP-H1 and the REI DAC I'm using for the tv. I will say that I do prefer the sound  watching movies with the Sony over streaming and the sound from the REI.

The Sony has a bigger more dynamic sound. I'm not surprised though. I got the REI strictly for the tv since I couldn't use external speakers with my DACs and amplifier since our Panasonic only outputs multi-channel digital signals

I have been perfectly happy with the REI. The audio from the Panasonic now sounds very good with good tonality and frequency response and dialog is great and is easy to follow.


Very cool; I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing, jafant. If it comes in at a reasonable pice I would be very interested. I would be very interested to see what the UHP-H1 could do with such things as a better power supply and sturdier chassis.



Ah, that's the one Sony announced back in September that looks like the UHP-H1 but will do 4K. I do hope they "hot rod" it more than just adding 4K. It would be great if they made the audio as outstanding as the video. The UHP-H1 video is already excellent.



The UHP-H1 has a feature Sony calls DSEE HX which Sony says "upscales" mp3s and CDs. I don't know if that's Sony's word for upsampling or not. I haven't engaged it. I'll try it in the next day or two and hear if it makes an appreciable difference.

I use the UHP-H1 primarily for watching movies and spins disc every once in awhile. I have a/b'd it a few times with the DAC in my streamer. In fact I just took about a fifteen minute break from composing this post to a/b a couple of songs. The Sony was on for about fifteen minutes and the streamer stays on all the time.

Whenever I do this I hear the same thing. The streamers DAC is a bit smoother/refined and quieter with a little better tonality and layering of the music. I can enjoy music from either the Sony or my Bluesound streamer but for long sessions the Bluesound is a bit more relaxed and easier to listen to. I will add that I think the Sony sounds great with dvd/Blurays.

The differences aren't huge and it could come down to the fact that I use a WireWorld Equinox IC on the Bluessound and a Luminous Audio IC on the Sony. I'll try the DSEE HX setting and give an update.

Bottom line is that for $350 the Sony sounds great and can be used in systems for an outstanding picture and good solid sound.

