Sony TV sound

Since I installed an 85" Sony TV with eARC last week I've tried several widgets aimed at connecting it to a Bryston SP3 processor that predates ARC.  I assumed the surprisingly good sound from the Sony would be fine for TV, but not for movies.  Last night I discovered how wrong I was.  I played a version of Legend of the Ring and was astonished by the sound:  immersive with a large frequency range.  How Sony achieves that is beyond my understanding, but my quest for connecting my audio setup with the TV is over.  The Ayre gear will be reserved for DSD and Blue Ray, except the Ayre DX-5 DSD sends superb video to the full LED array TV.  I'm a very happy camper.    

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Showing 2 responses by whipsaw

I also have a Sony OLED TV, and the built-in sound from the TV is surprisingly good, far surpassing any other TV I've owned. 

I echo all of this, but still connect through my 2 channel system when watching films, and it is undoubtedly superior.

Glad that you're happy! As a related aside, I no longer live in the U.S., and really miss my Salamander rack. Great company.