A casual acquaintance, a real New York City eccentric, a guy who didn't throw out a newspaper or a beer bottle for over a decade and who's apartment became a public health hazard which resulted in his landlord issuing an ultimatum to clean up or get out had a Sony 19 inch vintage late 1970's tv set left on for eleven years finally break down!

He then called the guy (my friend) who sold it to him many years ago and complained! He then brought it to a local repair shop and left it there for three years. When he went to claim it, he was enraged that they sold it off in a unclaimed goods sale a year earlier!

I swear this is all true. There are alot more stories I could tell but this is an audio/video site. He'd make a great screenplay!

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Similarly, a buddy of mine who works a business out of a basement office in his home had an XBR running continuously down there for 10+ years after a lightening strike wounded the set so that it needed a long warm-up to stabilize the picture. So he just left it on and grew to like the idea of seeing how long it would last. Though well-healed he was stingy and too lazy to replace it as the picture gradually bled out. His views on the matter were consistent with his 1960's hey day rooming with college buddies on the seven-year plan at Ann Arbor. They all chipped in to buy a used console TV and together carried the big heavy thing into their shared living room. When it died they were too lazy to carry it out, so they bought another TV and set it on top of the first one. And when the second one died, they continued the process to three levels with a small B&W set.

As a testament to plus ca change plus ca meme chose, he finally had the XBR hauled away by the home theater company that replaced it with a 50" Pioneer Elite plasma. Now impressed as hell with the picture his old buddies are back & his wife can't rid of the stink of bong water & beer farts on game day.