Sony SCDXA777ES vs Sony SCD1 ?

I am interested in listening comparisons between the stock SCDXA777 and the SCD1. Also does anyone know if the SCD1 uses multiple paralleled triple DACs as does the XA777 and are the DACs similar or which are better? I will be listening on Quad 989s powered by Atmasphere MAImk2s and Aesthetix preamp. Info on system your comparisons were made on would be useful.

Showing 2 responses by czbbcl

The SCD-1 is better on both redbook and scad handsdown. The scd-1 was constructed as a statement piece and as such is untouchable by sonys lower level players. And is even untouchable by many esoteric interpolation cd players.

However if you want multi-channel you must go with the XA if you want two channel then the scd-1 is simply the best sony offers. And modded it is considered the equal of the 20k machines on redbook or sacd.

There are many threads on this supject; simple do a search.
I have discussed this topic with several modders and retailers while some prefered the xa most agreed the scd-1 was the better player for two channel; better parts and simpler circuit. However, in the end it is personnel preference and the size of ones pocket book as well as system matching.