Sony SCD-777ES availability?

Does anyone know of any new SCD-777ES SACD players
still available? All places I've tried (J&R, etc.)
say the unit is discontinued, but Stereophile had a
write-up about it last month! Any suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43

Showing 1 response by rcprince

Dave, the above posts are correct, the 777ES has been discontinued, replaced by a front loading multi-channel player. You can look for used ones (someone in this month's 'Phile was selling one for $1500, doubt if it's still available) or get an SCD-1 while they're still around if you want the build quality of the 777 with identical or possibly slightly better sonics. Alternatively, the 9000ES has gotten a lot of good feedback at this site, includes an excellent DVD player as well as CD and SACD and can be bought for about $1100 at discount. Some posters seem to like certain aspects of the sound better than the 777, some disagree. Good luck!