Sony SACD Player SCD-XA5400ES; YAY or NAY?

Happy New Year All,

Sony SACD Player SCD-XA5400ES; YAY or NAY? (around $1,000. usd used)

6 dacs, 3 left/3 right

sends SACD’s DSD out RCA jacks without conversion to PCM.

Upscales CD’s 8x to SACD #s, then out RCA

spinner traverses over fixed dual laser: one cd, one sacd

2010 model: typically 10-12 years old, I see laser assemblies for sale, indicates

a. people want to keep em going.

b. laser problematic

thanks for advice as always,





Showing 2 responses by mahler123

I paid around $1k for my 5400 when it was new.  I’ve barely used in over 10 years.  One  odd thing it does is on SACD it seems to cut off the first two seconds of music.

SACD was kept alive, albeit barely, by Classical Music.  I have a few hundred along with a few dozen Blu Rays, both with and without Audio.  Non Classical listeners don't have much reason to go after SACD playback.

   The 5400 in my collection has gone basically unplayed during the dozen or so years of its existence.  I had added an OPPO shortly after purchasing it and the DAC was superior, one of the first ESS implementations.The OPPO also played DVD-A (I bought every one available when Tower Records had its going out of business sale) and Blu Ray.  The Sony sounds like soft haze in comparison, although I guess I could plug it in and try it out again.I had moved the Sony to a second system, rarely played it there and then added an OPPO 203 to that system when OPPO announced it was going to stop making players, and the Sony has been on the bench ever since

The remote went missing years ago.  I should probably sell it off.  I've only sold a few components in my time as I find the ordeal of listing a component and dealing with buyers and shipping pretty tiresome.  And then there is the issue of no remote, the fact that it skips the first measure of play if and SACD is played thru HDMI (it doesn't do this if the analog outputs are used, or if a rebook is played through HDMI.  At the time I googled it and a few others were having the same issue).  Given those issues, not sure what I should ask for it.  Maybe I just donate it to Goodwill and take the tax deduction.