Sony/Panasonic vs. Reavon/Magnetar

My aging Oppo 105 is my source for watching DVDs, Blu-Rays, and listening to multi-channel SACD and DVD-Audio discs. It does not have 4K capability. I am looking to add 4K UHD capability to my system to watch all the great 4K UHD Blu-rays that are being released. My options are to buy a dedicated Panasonic or Sony 4K UHD Player, or to go all in with a Magnetar or Reavon Universal Player.

At this point, my Oppo 105 is still working, and I use it to play multi-channel DVD and Blu-ray concerts, SACDs and sometimes DVD-Audio discs.

My main digital audio source is my Denon DCD A110 two channel SACD/CD player. I find this source is so good, it presents an impressive soundstage with only two channels.

So, do I add a dedicated Sony or Panasonic 4K UHD player, or buy insurance for my Oppo, and add 4K UHD, while retaining the ability to play SACDs and DVD-Audio discs?

Here are some of the units I am looking at for this purpose:

SONY UBP-X800M2 for around $225.00.

Panasonic DP-UB9000P1K Reference Class 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Player with HDR10+ and Dolby Vision Playback for about $1,000.

Panasonic Streaming 4K Blu Ray Player with Dolby Vision and HDR10+ Ultra HD Premium Video Playback, Hi-Res Audio, Voice Assist - DP-UB820-K for about $450.00.

Reavon X200 for about $1,750.

Magnetar UDP 800 for $1,599.00.

Magnetar UDP 900 for $2,999.00.

The costs range from $250.00 to $2,999.00. I have the funds for the flagship Magnetar, but I'd rather not spend that much. Thanks.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdrlou77

M Dad just picked up he Panasonic.  It is really nice.  Build quality is high.  Picture is excellent.  If you don't need SACD or DVD-A it is a great machine. 

Thank you.  That was one of the one's I was looking at for just the 4K functionality.  That is probably is the way I'll go.  When the Oppo goes, I'll deal with it then.