Sony Multi-Disc SACD

I've never been much of a fan of digital audio reproduction. I think it's convenience features are great, but the sound quality was never better than good (maybe very good). As a result I never invested heavily in digital equipment or CD software. Occasionally I would sample digital components (in the $3-5k area) to see what's out there, but the improvement in sound quality just wasn't that great, particularly when compared to my vinyl playback rig (RPM/Benz Micro). Everything has now changed. It lists for $1,200 and I got one for $700 (B-stock -- Sony Outlet Store). The 333ES has changed my opinion of the digital format. As far as sound quality goes, the SACD FORMAT IS THE REAL DEAL. It substanitially improves upon the Red Book CD standard. The sound quality is directly comparable to vinyl. Yes, there are differences, but for the first time I can now listen to a digital format and not feel it would be better if it was analog. As a standard CD player the 333ES is a decent product. It doesn't do anything particularly wrong, but if this sounds like faint praise, remember it only lists for $1,200. If you're seriously into good sound, I strongly recommend you audition a SACD player. If you end up buying one, then contact Sony and every music distributer on the face of this earth that you want more software. Even if you don't buy one, send them the message that you won't buy until there's more music available. Let's create a buzz.

I currently have the player set to random play and it's switching between Miles, Thelonius and Wynton. YES!

Showing 1 response by jadem6

Wjat SACD players are avalible or slated to come out with multi-disk capibilities. Seems to be a topic here at Autiogon. I think alot of folks like the conveniance of mulit-play. I agree Onhwy61, it's up to us to make it happen in that the masses don't even know it exists!