Sony HAP-ZIES HDD player is it only 16bit 320kbps native playback ?

Hello Friends

I need your help / advice.. My Sony HapZies HDD player when connected to external DACS (MYTEK Brooklyn Dac or Chord Dave) with usb cables WireWorld Platinum Silver or Audioquest Diamounds keep showing 16bit 320kbps on display.

Regardless of the source recording being encoded at 32 bit 384khz / 24 bit 192 the Dacs display always shows 16 bit 320kbps. When I play the same formats from PC to these DACS via the same cable it shows the true resolution of these formats.

So it leads me to believe that the Sony is playing out the digital material in its standard format 16bit 320kbps via usb into DACS.

This is a bummer to me really If it is down sampling all hi rez formats to a lower 16bit 320kbps and outputting the same via usb to DACS.

I also noticed when I switch on DSD encoding, the DACs still display 16bit 320kbps only. It makes no sense calling this unit a hi rez hdd player.

However I love the sound of the Sony hdd into these Dacs in contrast to my other esoteric players and even PC streaming. The Sony is very musical, not edgy or harsh with a full top to bottom 3D soundstage even at only 16bit 320kbps  streaming via USB to DACs.

Has anyone noticed the same. And is there anything I can do on the Sony itself  to stream native encoded formats via usb to connected DACs ? 

Showing 2 responses by mahler123

To me it sounds like the Mytek might be downsampling.  I used to own a Mytek and there are a heck of a lot of options in those knobs.
why not just play the Sony using it own DAC and then you won’t have Audiophilia Nervosa?