Sony HAP-Z1ES + MacBookPro

Love my HAP-Z1ES.  Used it to feed analog into my pre-amp; now using its digital USB output to feed my Devialet 200.  Truly happy with it.
Alas: this week, with my latest MacBookPro software upgrade (MacOS 11.3.1, an update to Big Sur) I can no longer transfer files (using the HAP Music Transfer app) from the laptop to the Sony.  I get error messages, either "Some files are failed in transferring. Please check the transferred file list." or "Transfer cannot start because the device has not been ready for it."  (I've never gotten either of these before.) 

I pinged Sony via Twitter but don't really expect an answer.

Everything else (playing existing files; using the HAP app on my phone as a remote) works fine.

Thanks in advance for any Audiogoner who has advice, diagnostics, workaround.
Ag insider logo xs@2xhrodman

Showing 6 responses by stereo5

Why does Apple make things so difficult in 2021?  You would think they would be more compatible with Windows operating computers.  BTW, the Sony runs on. Lynxes operating system. 
I have 2 Sony HAPZ1ES players in 2 systems.  I never use the Sony software, I just drag and drop. Have you tried it this way?
With my Windows based computer, I never have any problems in getting the files onto my HAP hard drive.  I have moved  up to 300GB at one time with no problems. The Sony transfer software has nothing to do with Grace Notes, that is already on the HAP hard drive.  It really isn’t a Sony problem, it’s Apples. 
I am sure Sony won't update the HAP software.  It has been discontinued for years and the amount of Mac users are probably a lot less than the Windows users.

Last year I spoke with Sony Tech and was told that the HAP is being phased out and that there would not be any more firmware updates.
The Sony HAPZ1ES runs on the Lynix platform.  You can’t load a disk with music and install it in the Sony due to the Proprietary software.