Sony HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res Music Player RMAF 2013

Did anyone get a chance to hear this digital player. Seems similar to the Bryston BDP-2. I am very interested in how the upsampled DSD sounded.

Showing 2 responses by rdoc

All the Marantz needs is an external NAS connected to a router which also connects to the Marantz. All ethernet connections. Use an Ipad with PlugPlayer app for Ipad, rip your music to the network connected Nas using a computer connected to the ethernet and you are good to go. Once you have ripped your cd's, the computer is out of the picture. So, if you have a computer, an Ipad, $150 NAS, $5 app, and 2 ethernet cables are all you need. It is really quite simple.

In my previous post I outlined my connections with my Marantz. I neglected to say that the router that I use is not normally connected to the internet. The only time that I connect it is when ripping new music. Thus, it is a closed and isolated LAN. I use the Plug Player $5 app. I have no maintenance and no ads just music. I have another NAS that I keep off site that is a copy of the one I use. It is a very simple system with minimal hardware and software. No muss no fuss.