Sony DVP9000ES as a Redbook Transport?

Is anyone using a stock DVP90000ES as a CD Transport primarily for Redbook playback? Just curious on its performance and characteristics with an outboard DAC.



Showing 2 responses by jaffeassc

I used the 9000es in combination with a Bel Canto DAC2. The Bel Canto “warmed” up the sound and improved the detail considerably over the 9000es by itself. I thought it was a nice match-up at the time. I sold the Bel Canto (and kept the 9000 for DVD and SACD) and bought an Audio Aero Prima. For less money than the Sony transport + Bel Canto DAC + digital cable the Prima was a significant upgrade. Kind of made me wonder why I went to all the trouble. Unless you need a DVD player a good 1 box solution is probably a better way to go, IMO.
If you haven't already check out Empirical Audio. He seems to do alot of what you're after.