Sony DVP-S9000es question

I was surprised at how good a cheap (used) Sony S9000ES was as a transport.  It seems to beat the Oppo 103 I'd previously been using when running into various DACs.  Seems marginally smoother, a little more open, and just more solid sounding.  Subtle differences but the player only cost a bit over a hundred bucks.  And it seems synergistic with an old EAD 7000mkiii.  I have a Denafrips ARES on the way in and will see how the two blend.

But I have one question.  I didn't get an original remote control with it and apparently they are hard to find.  So without a CD/SACD switch I can't force the player to default to SACD for hybrid discs.

Does anyone know how I can force the player to always play the SACD layer?  Or barring that, how do I get an original or 100% compatible remote.

Or does someone have one who is willing to program a universal remote to clone it if I pay for this and the shipping as well?

Thanks to all.

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