Sony BDP 470/570/770/480/580/780 mods by EVS

Has anyone had one of the Sony 470/570/770480/580/780 BD players modded by EVS? The 470 (for analog) seems like a good deal. I'm looking to replace my Oppo 980H and the 470 is something I can afford. Any thoughts?
I am pleased with the minor EVS mods on my Sony. I use the it mostly for concert DVD's, but as a back up cd player it is very satisfying on most discs. The concert BD/DVD SQ is very good, much better than the older Sony it replaced. Ric seems like a great guy determined to make his customers happy - I know I am.
I had thought about going this route myself several times, but now I'm having Ric modify my Behringer DEQ2496 for DAC use (new D-to-A mod, chip, output stage with regulators and RCA digital in jack) in a CD-only sourced system. Ric is one of the few (VERY few) people out there on the web that I've come to have full confidence in over my past 40 years in this hobby. Whatever Ric says goes, in my book. I know him to be a problem solver on behalf of audiophiles everywhere - he looks for a good audio idea and takes it as far as it will go instead of just looking for a good 'manufacturing' idea and taking it as far as it will go, if you know what I mean. I expect to have the DEQ back by the end of the week. Have already tried his Ground Enhancers and they were excellent. You can also call Ric directly, if you haven't already. He's exceptionally forthcoming on any subject and you can get to know him pretty well that way, as I have. Sorry I don't have any direct advice with the Sony's, but I'm sure they're more than worth the price he is charging. I have the 770 myself and was facing having it modded, but went in the other direction.