Sony 900ES SACD sound vs CD - Help

I now have a little over 120 hours on my 9000ES DVD. Here's the problem: When I use the Sony as a transport (The digital output fed into an MSB Link Dac 2) the sound quality is MUCH better than the Sony supplied SACD music played through the SACD internal decoding circuits and output form the analog outputs on the Sony.

How can this be? I thought the SACD was supposed to be much better than the CD. Is it possible that the SACD circuits need much more time to break in?

The Sony when used as a transport is almost as good as my SimAudio Moon Eclipse cd player (when also used as a transport) which has a floating suspension.

I have the Sony on a magnetic levitation system which I designed that floats it 1/4 to 1/2" off the shelf.
This isolates the transport and circuitry from low frequency vibration. The result is: better bass, more open midrange, and clearer highs.

I just don't understand why the SACD part of this doesn't sound as good as everyone says it does. Maybe the sampler sacd is very good?

Any ideas??

Showing 5 responses by jadem6

If you only have 120 hours of burn in your only 1/4 of the way. YOU MUST BURN BOTH LASERS FOR 200+ HOURS. This requires 200 with regular cds and another 200 hours with SACD. Just put a SACD or CD into the unit and put it on replay, you do not have to have it go through your other components. Happy burning, and be patient it's worth it.
Hello Mcfly, Martice. Are you listening? The 9000ES can be bought for about $1100. It has been stated many many times here on Audiogon that the sound quality ON STANDARD REDBOOK CD is as good as most outboard dac systems and as most upsampled cd systems. The fact that it plays SACD and DVD-V is just gravy. If you want (as you stated) the best from your present cd collection than the Sony 9000ES will get you that and more.
How else can it be said, THIS IS THE BEST BARGAIN IN AUDIO TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks if you listened, J.D.
Well Martice, you've got me confused. The quotes below are from your own post 2/11/01 and I swear it sounds like you feel the 9000ES is not capible of playing and then later of improving your existing standard cd collection, and later again that the improvement wouldn't be worth the investment. Actually if you read the four quotes one would think they were from two or three different people. What am I missing here?
"once you bring this unit home and you play all of the crappy SACD's that they offer, you start to wonder why did I pay all of this money for a unit that I can't play my favorite CD's"
"and that sonic rewards while playing my regular CD's on this unit is marginal to OK?"
"I have a lot of CD's at home that I haven't realized their full potential yet so while Sony/Philips decide how they are going market this new format I will continue to try to get the most out of my regular CD's."
"I'm sure the SACD format is sonically superior to regular CD's but if there is little software what did you purchase it for?"
I think it's you who might want to calm down. I've owned the SCD-1 for about seven months now and enjoy the sound quality over my old $10,000 system wich my buddy has brought over twice for blind tests. The reviews from people here on Audiogon (some who have owned the SCD-1 and now the 9000ES have stated that the second generation machines are better than the SCD-1) I have never auditioned the 9000ES so I'm relying on others feedback. The reviews I've read compare the SCD-1 to an $18,000 upsampling system and multiple +$15,000 cd systems and the results are within a wisker of eachother using standard redbook cd. The SACD is equal to or superior to the above comparisons depending on who you read. Now if your telling me a $1000 dac will also compare to these systems I'd like to know your "dealer", as in drugs. From your posts it sounds as if you have no experience with any SACD player, and in that a number of us here on Audiogon do, I would ask you to back down untill you know what your talking about. As you stated above, people come here to learn what others have learned.
Thank-you J.D.
Thank-you Martice. Well stated Ears, you'll be very happy. The funny thing to me is these machines are soooo cheap compared to the simmiliar sound quality cd only machines that you can afford to upgrade interconnects and isolation, thus receiving the double bonus. In my opinion anyone who buys a standard cd player at any price point has missed out on the greatest bargain in audio! And has overpaid for what they get. J.D.
Rcprince, very well stated. I have no idea why your Forsell is so scared of the Sony, but that alone justifys the purchase. J.D.