Sonus Faber s Integrated Amplifier?

Does anyone have experience powering Sonus Faber speakers with the Musica integrated amplifier? I have found no reviews, neither have I been able to locate a sample. I am looking for the right piece to drive a set of Concertos.
Sorry about the misspelled words. I'm using an old RCA CD player. I'm in the market for a new one but haven't decided on a regular CD player or a newer SACD or DVD-A player. My cables are Analysis Plus Oval Nine cable which are biwired. Considering that my CD player is pretty bad the sound is really good. It is very open and most importantly to me I don't have to listen to it at a high volume. At very low sound levels the speakers sound full and balanced. For once I'm listening to music and not to components.
Otdriller, I envy you for living with Guarneri. I know I can't reach there, but I am just curious, what front-end equipment do you use? Analog? Digital? And cables? Ken
Does Sonus Faber have any plans to add balanced outputs to the Musica integrated amplifier?
I have a Musica which I use with my Guanari's. The sound is great,very smooth and open sort of tubelike. It is rated at only 50 watts per channel, but has plenty of punch and volume. The design is very simple. There is only an off and on switch, an input switch, and a volume controll- no balance controll. I love mine and can't think of a better amp for my speekers. I'm glad to see other owners of Sonus Faber speekers agree. It is a very good bargain as faw as I'm concerned.
My fault. SF does not "test" with them. They design their speakers with them, even the Amati's. That's the word from people from Sumiko and on their website.
6 RCA inputs + 1 RCA output for recording device. Very simple design with NO remote, and numbering only (1 to 6) for source selection. Speaker binding post is wonderful WBT with plastic cap.
There is one review here;
I personally own one with Signum, and the combination is nothing but "superb." You have to believe it, or ask yourself "why SF - a speaker manufacturer - bothered to make this amp?" If you need more info, just email me. Ken
Sonus Faber use Spectrals to test their speakers , the Musica integrated amp is a good amp expecially used with SF speakers.
But don't think that integrated is a miracle.
I've heard the Musica with the Guanari's and it sounded great and effortless(lack of a better adjectives). It is beautiful if you ever get to look at one. It doesn't come with a remote though if you care. It is actually built by a German company. I believe that Sonus Faber actually design the Musica to test all their speakers on. I actually looked into getting one but got the word to shop around some more before committing.
heard amati homage with musica at retailer and the sound was great. punchy, fast, dynamic, everything you could ask for (in a short audition)!
ahh,it s a really great product,i drived a electa amator 2 with this was much better than krells an m.levinsons integrated .At the shop we also drived martin logan prodigy.Believe me its incredible product.Dont forget that sonus faber is using this one as a reference with amati at the factory.