Sonus Faber Grand Piano's what amp are u running?

Anyone with Sonus Faber Grand Piano's what amp are you running?

I'm running a c-j Premiere 11A with an original pair with great results. Good luck!
That's a 70 watt stereo tube amp. I have a medium to slightly small room and it's plenty of power.
Any one else have input? How about the difference between Tube vs. Solid State.

Wow, tell me how you like it, and what ARE the differences?
the auditor are the smaller ones right? How is bass on them?

really curious.
Well I have not listened enough yet, less than 2 hours, because I am in the middle of changing my whole setup. But I can tell you that the bass is amazing. These speakers kill the Grand Piano's and Concerto for every aspect Although with the right setup the Grand Piano probably makes more bass. I listened to the Wilson Benesch Arc and the Auditor is more detailed then the Arc.
The tweeter is the same unit as on the Cremona Floorstanding model and it is a very detailed and airy. I listened to every speaker I could find around the $3500 range and nothing sounded as good to my ears. The speaker is thinner then a Concerto, but taller than the Concerto.
Once I get the system up and running(by Sunday) I will post more info. The finish is amazing and they look like fine furniture. I love the violin string grille.

I'll post more later.
My setup includes; Cardas Quadlink 5 cable all around, with a Levinson 38S preamp, the Proceed CDP and Levinson 334 amp with the Piano's.

I'm getting great results in a medium size room. I listen to a varity of music; jazz, some classical, new age, folk, 60's rock and sound tracks. All of it sounds great! The neutral levinsons are balanced by the cardas and grand piano's warmth.