Sonus Faber GP + cj 2250

Is CJ2250A enough to drive the GP , or do I need more juice. From what I ready before, people have said atleast 200W is needed but that depends on the amplifier. Has any one tried using CJ2250 with the Sonus Faber GP.

Thank you,
It is more than enough power to drive the Sonus Faber GP's and should sound nice. My Cary SLI-80 drives my GP's with ease in the 40WPC mode. I listen to Rock at moderate to moderately loud volumes in a medium sized listening room.. The CJ signature sound with the Sounus should be nice. Don't get hung up on the WPC channel game. By an amplifier that sounds good to you. Good luck..

yhea I was thinking along those line WPC does mean different things for different amp. I was kind of concered when people in some old threads mentioned using Macintosh 6900, or Krell 400Xi becuase of their high power. I guess I wont know until I try them out.

Thank you,

You are welcome and the CJ is certainly a nice amplifier. I can tell you that the following amplification works with the Sonus Fabers as I have owned 3 Pair now with multiple set ups. Electrocompaniet, Creek, Cary, and Unison Research. (These are all integrateds) I think the Mac would sound nice but I would personally stay away from the Krell stuff. They just don't sound "right" to me. Good luck!


I perused the SF web site and if I was looking at the correct specs the GP's are 90db with a 4 ohm nominal impedence. IMO the 2250 would be bare minimum and the better choice would be the 2500. In either case make sure you get the "A" version of the amp as it is much better than the npn "A". CJ offers the upgrade for $500 + shipping. The "A" has better dynamics and detail than the non "A" model and is very much worth the extra money.

yhea I am looking at 2250A, I guess I will need to audition both 2250A, and 2500a and pick one.

Thank you,

They will both have the same sonic signiture it is just that the 2500 will have more bottom end and even at low volume levels will control the SF's better. The higher current driving capacity of the 2500 will give more substance to the music at all frequencies. It is not the 90 db sensitivity that creates the issue for the 2250 it is the 4 ohm nominal impedence.

Which Grand Pianos do you have or are you looking at? They all vary and we can be discussing different speakers.

Grand Pianos (Original)87dB/8ohm
Grand Pianos (HOME)90dB/6ohm
Grand Pianos (DOMUS)90dB/4ohm

Okay, then I would definately try both amps as they are not a difficult speaker to drive. The new Domus would be a little more challenging as the 4ohm load. Take a look at my system, I own them and my Cary drives them with ease. Not to mention they sound incredible.

I will also let you in a on a little secret that took me purchasing numerous amplifiers to learn. Smaller amplifiers actually SOUND BETTER..

Some of the worst systems I have heard had MONDO amplication by some of the bigger names in audio. I owned a CJ MF-80 for a short stint with a PV-10 Pre-Amp and it was truly musical and would drive every speaker I threw at it. 80 WATTS GOES A LONG WAY..

Good luck...

yhea i am more on quality less on the loudness, conrad kind of fits that profile, macintosh's would be great for loud music but i dont know about detail in the music.