Sonus Faber Electa Amator III vs. the Bowers and Wilkins 805 D4?

I have heard both the Sonus Faber Electa Amator III and the Bowers and Wilkins 805 D4 but each were in markedly different environments.  Anyone been able to make a more direct comparison than I have been able?  I would be using a Luxman L-590 AxII Class A integrated amp at home.

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Showing 3 responses by soix

Congrats on an excellent pair of speakers!  What you heard is exactly why I’m not a fan of B&W speakers — it’s a sound I can certainly respect and appreciate for what it is, but I don’t love it like I love several others.  I just happened on this mini review by Jeff Fritz at Soundstage who made these his reference speakers.  If I’m not mistaken I believe his prior reference was the Vimberg Tonda that’s well over twice the price and a much bigger speaker, so this is quite a statement and endorsement.  Enjoy your new gems!


...So does S. Faber even make a stand-mount with their older, "traditional" presentation???

@stuartk Unfortunately I have no idea.  I think @ghdprentice might be able to give you some helpful insights on that if he wants to chime in here.  

Those are very different sounding speakers so I’m a bit surprised you didn’t clearly prefer one sonically over the other even in different systems.  I’ll just say I got to compare the original Joseph Audio Pulsars to the 805 D3s and to my ears the Pulsars excelled in virtually every parameter so maybe put those on your list as well.  They also probably split the difference sonically between the two you’re currently exploring.  FWIW, and best of luck.