Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors / Manley Stingray??


Im in the process of purchasing a pair of Cremona Auditors. I have Aural Symphonic cables, interconnects, and a Rega CD player. The speakers will be set up in a small room, and listened to at relatively low levels.
The Cremonas seem effecient at 91db. But, they do drop to 4 ohms. Im wondering if the Stingray would be a good system match. Budget is a concern. Has anyone tried them with the Pathos or SF Musica amps? I do prefer an intergrated tube amp, but I am curious about the two amps mentioned above. All feedback is appreciated.


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Contact Eva Ann at Manley. She is accessable, very knowledgeable!, and will probably know best if this is a match.